We are always looking for people to join our amazing team of event volunteers and marshals.
Marshalling can be a great way to get involved, enjoy the atmosphere and spend time with friends, as well as meet new ones. Time after time our athletes tell us it's the marshals' support and enthusiasm that makes the event for them - we are known to have the BEST event marshals in the world!
From feed stations to directing, managing transition, tail ending or giving out medals on the finish line we will help find a job that suits you and welcome anyone of any age and even dogs (in certain positions). Many clubs and community groups join in and tell us it's a great team bonding experience as well as a lot of learning for younger members and a great way to raise funds for their club or group.
To show our gratitude for what our volunteers bring we have a great reward scheme in place.
If this is something that would interest you drop us an email at marshals@alwaysaimhighevents.com