Find the answers to your questions below

Please read through the list of frequently asked questions below before contacting us regarding your entry.
We work hard to answer every question we receive, but this will help us to provide the best service possible.
Where can I find the terms and conditions?
What is Etchrock and how do I log in to my account?
I am no longer able to take part. What are my options?
Can I defer or get a refund if I am injured or unwell?
What happens if I test positive for Covid 19?
The event I wish to join has sold out, do you have a waiting list?
Can I offer my place to someone on the waiting list?
Can I sell my place?
How do I transfer my entry to another person?
Can I change my distance?
How do I add my club name/affiliation details to my entry?
How do I change the estimated times on my entry?
Why can’t I edit my entry?
What is British Triathlon Race Pass & why is it required?
When will I receive information about the event?
What are the cut off times for my race?
What time will my race start?
How do I find my number?
How do I find out what wave I’m in?
How do I get my number bib?
I haven’t received my Final Instructions?
Do you provide food and water on course?
Where can I park?
Where can I find my event photos?
Can I fundraise for charity?
Why don’t you supply medals?
I haven’t found the answer to my question?
There is lots of specific information for each event on our website. Please go to our website and select your event then scroll down to the bottom to the Event Information section.
There is also information on each specific race if you select the distance you are entered in and scroll down to the Important Information section.
If you are still unable to find an answer to your question please contact us on or 01248 723 553
Please understand that we are only a small team who are very busy and receive a lot of enquiries during the event season. We make every effort to respond as soon as we can but in very busy times it may take up to 4 days to hear back from us.