Mathew Pritchard Talks to Always Aim High
With the 2017 Jones Crisps Anglesey Half Marathon is just around the corner, we spoke to one man who has made the race part of his bigger 2017 challenge.
Mathew Pritchard, or Pritch (as he’s known) was the founder of the cult TV series ‘Dirty Sanchez’, and has appeared in many other programs including ‘Balls of Steel’ and ‘Wrecked’.

In recent years he has turned his hand to many extreme challenges to raise money for a variety of worthy causes, which has ultimately led to the creation of Pritchard's £100,000 Challenge. Most notably, his challenged include completing an Iron distance triathlon every day for 30 days, and taking part in the Enduroman triathlon (finishing 3rd). Here, he talks to Always Aim High about his plans for 2017...
Always Aim High: Last year was a memorable one for you, with the £100,000 challenge which is continuing into 2017 - were there any particular events that stood out from the rest? Or did they all blur into one?
Mathew Pritchard: Yes it was a very interesting year and a very enjoyable one too. The 30 half irons in 30 days was a massive highlight to be honest. Looking back it was one of the most memorable interesting tough 30 days i've ever had and I loved every minute of it. From the support of everyone that came and swam, cycled and ran with me along with how different each day was. Another great event was the continuous triple Enduroman. I've don't some things in my time but that was something else. 54 hours of mental and physical pain, falling asleep on my bike and generally a tripping out zombified human on a mission to finish what he started no matter what the obstacle. Great stuff.
AAH: How much has the challenge raised so far? And how can people donate?
MP: So far we've raised £30,000 and you can donate via www.pritchards100kchallenge.com/donate
AAH: The Anglesey Half must be a walk in the park for you after 2016. Is it a case of it being a good training race for what’s to come in 2017?
MP: I never tend to look at anything as a walk in the park. Every event/race i always try to put 100% into so whether it be a half marathon or a 5K its going to hurt no matter what. As for the Anglesey half though i'll be taking my time as I'm just recovering from injury and i don't want it to flare up again as it'll jeopardise my 2017 challenges. Really looking forward to the half, i love north Wales the scenery is stunning.
AAH: Speaking of which, what does 2017 hold for you in terms of sporting goals? It sounds like you’ve done everything...
MP: Haha! Believe you me I've far from done everything. If only you could see the bucket list in my head.......my brain is at capacity. I want to do everything allot once thats my problem, i love it. i've got some plans but nothing confirmed yet. My main challenge this year I'm hoping to start in June and if all goes to plan it'll be a world first and will be a toughie but that’s the whole point of it.
AAH: Always Aim High have two ‘half iron’ triathlons and a trail marathon in 2017, would that tempt you to come up North for a challenge?
MP: You guys put on great events so of course. If I'm free I'm there
Matthew Pritchard is running the 2017 Jones Crisps Anglesey Half Marathon on Sunday 5th March.