In Focus: Race Hosting

We spoke to Kate Winners, Founder of Race Force and Coach for Total Triathlon Training to find out more about what it takes to be a Race Host….
What is a Race Host?
Think of a Race Host as like having a friend who’s raced this triathlon for the last few years. They’re racing but not till later on so they can spend time with you getting you set up in transition, talking you through the race, giving you hugs and words of wisdom. You can contact them in the months & weeks leading up to the race and ask them what kit you think you should wear, what training you should be doing.
What makes a good Race host?
I think to be a good race host you have to be completely selfless. You are there for everyone else. Yes you’re racing too but this isn’t you’re “A" race, you’re racing so you can share the experience with everyone else and because you love racing!! It also important to know the courses first hand so you can answer any questions from experience and you must be relentlessly positive and calm at all times.
Which of the AAH races is your favourite?
Well I’m yet to do the Sandman as it always seem to clash with something else in my calendar but I cant wait to do it as I absolutely love Newborough Forest, I think it is one of the most beautiful places in Wales and it would be a really tough one to pick between Snowman & Sandman as they are both more than a Triathlon, they’re an amazing adventure and such inspirational courses but if I HAD to choose then I think I would pick Slateman mainly for “that” run up the Slatemines. Having said that Harlech was pretty cool this year. Running those last steps into the Castle is a finish line I’ll never forget!!!
Where can we see you this season?
I’ve already hosted at Harlech and our SnowdoniaTraining weekend in May where we covered both Snowman & Sandman courses over the weekend. I’m racing Slateman, Cardiff & Snowman and then we have the amazing Helen Murray racing Sandman. You can normally find us in transition hanging around looking for that lost look on peoples faces.
How do people connect with you before the race?
You can get me & Helen on most social media channels and we’d love to hear from you.
@KateWinners on Twitter & instagram
@Helenfmurray on Twitter