Olivia's Odyssey
Raising funds for Olivias life changing SDR surgery and follow up care including specialist equipment for her to improve her day to day life. Olivia's Dad has signed up to our Virtual Events and hopes to run a half marathon at least once every month with Olivia. Read Olivia's story below and donate using the link.
Olivia's story
Olivia is aged 4 from Abergele, North Wales She was born at 27 weeks very poorly. She was ventilated for 5 days and required oxygen for 18 months after. Olivia suffered 2 bleeds on the brain during her traumatic start to life, which led to a diagnosis of Hydrocephalus at 4 weeks old.
Olivia has undergone 3 surgeries for this so far, currently having a VP shunt inserted. At 18 months old Olivia was diagnosed with Bilateral Cerebral Palsy and Spasticity. Olivia is now 4 and a full time wheelchair user, needing a great amount of additional support from various teams.
Olivia is an inspirational little girl who's smile can light up the darkest days. With everything she has been through so far she is still a real bundle of joy and fills us all with love. She is the youngest of three and absolutely adores her sister and brother who have been inspirational in her development too.
With your help we as a family would like to help Just4Children fundraise for SDR treatment for Olivia and the aftercare required for the surgery. This link provides information on the SDR and how it can greatly improve Olivias life.
Every parent wants the best for their child and we hope this surgery will have a great positive impact on Olivia’s life for the future.
£60,000 is needed to ensure that as a priority we can fund Olivia’s surgery, private physio to strengthen her body prior to surgery and aftercare such as intense physio sessions as this will have a greater impact on her future mobility and hopes of aided walking.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story, to donate please follow this link; https://www.justgiving.com/cam...
The Wrights