
Always Aim High Bespoke Ultimate Adventures

We pride ourselves on hosting friendly and supportive events within a safe environment. With over 20 years of experience in adventure and sporting events, we can help design and host one specific for you, tailored to you needs.

Be it a one-day event or one to last the weekend, single or multi-disciplined, we will design it around your requirements. We have the capability and capacity to host a full range of event sizes from an individual group through to a large corporate event, all to the same high standards.

We work alongside a host of great local adventure partners such as Rib Ride, Zip World and One Planet Adventure to name just a few. This means we can design a truly unique and memorable adventure experience that will thrill and excite everyone.

If you’re looking for inspiration, scroll down for some ideas on how your adventure might look.

For more information, please email us on info@alwaysaimhighevents.com.

What an adventure might look like...

Example 1

North Wales is known as the adventure capital of Europe and is one of the best places to test the limits of adventure and performance. Its heritage is long, with expeditions such as Edmund Hillary’s successful ascent of Everest utilising the challenging landscape and geology that Wales has to offer, creating a perfect environment to train for the ultimate challenge on Earth.

Whilst out on a mini adventure of their own, the teams from Always Aim High Events, and the adventure boat tour company RibRide, decided to launch their own unique challenge.

Taking inspiration from the hugely popular Adventure Triathlon Series and the unique coastal path of Wales, a challenge was set to create a bespoke event for those looking to pass a significant milestone or two. The exhilarating RIBs first propel you towards a start point of your choosing, you can then run along the beautiful coastal path on your own bespoke small group adventure. Celebrate turning 50 in style with a 50km Run or have unique take on a 10-year wedding anniversary with a 10-mile run. Whatever the idea we can accommodate to your needs.

Supported by the Always Aim High team, the RIBs set off early morning along the Menai Straits and head to sea. As the sun rises, the coastline rolls past until you’ll reach the drop off point. Like a highly trained squad of Royal Marines, you will deploy to shore where the Always Aim High team will be waiting for you with running gear and your packs. After a quick refuel you’ll be off along one of the most wonderful stretches of coastline imaginable with your only chosen goal, surviving the long run home.

A coastal adventure brings sea cliffs, beaches, estuary crossings, forests and fields. It’s like going on a real life “mission”. You will get wet, muddy, tired and the wind will be blowing the wrong way in your face. You will want to give up, but you will want to succeed even more. The support team will be your guides, but they’ll be discreet so you can enjoy this adventure with your team or other special person.

You may see seals or dolphins playing on tidal over-falls, you may see the sun set again and you will see the end getting ever nearer. That refreshing drink at the end, that feeling you could eat two meals with no guilt over the rich chocolate pudding. Your health tracker has recorded more steps than you can count.

Example Itinerary:

  • Arrive Friday evening for briefing and special carb loading dinner at Chateau Rhianfa or Anglesey Arms.
  • Early to bed for a wake up call at 0600.
  • Meet at Menai Bridge jetty for a 0730 departure. 1hour 30 mins on the RIB to the landing at Point Lynas.
  • It’s now 09:30 with 50k to go. Slow and steady is key, so 10 min miles are the limit. That’s only a little over 5 hrs, right? You travel light, we carry the lunch.
By late afternoon/early evening the finish line is in sight at Dylan’s restaurant in Menai Bridge. A quick celebration, a long shower, an evening ahead to reflect on an amazing adventure.

Costs - £ On request

What’s included:

  • Prior Planning and logistics on the day plus all food, drink and energy supplements.
  • Briefing on the evening before plus routing and check points with Running guide.
  • Transport of people and equipment to all locations from hotel to the RIB charter (for up to 8 person including life jackets and waterproofs).

  • Emergency support and evacuation.

Example 2

Day 1

The active health and wellbeing of our team is paramount. This helps us all feel valued, so we understand how important this is for your workforce. We can plan and host a day or a weekend of multi-sports for your employees that will help with team building, staff morale and improved understanding of fitness benefits for your workforce. There will be opportunities to swim, bike, run and support your colleagues. Anyone and everyone can take part either as an individual or part of an active team, everyone will have a role and everyone will be valued.

Your team of 250 will feel fully included and have a say in setting their own challenge. The backdrop is on the shores of stunning award-winning beach, nestled alongside 700 hectares of woodland with access to beautiful off-road trails. Those that choose will be able to complete a world-renowned triathlon course setting their individual pace or as part of a competitive team. Others will be included as key members of the support team along the course to help everyone achieve their goals.

The event will be fully supported by our world-class events team, on hand to offer support and encouragement to all taking part. The finish line will be dressed to inspire, with professional commentary to celebrate the successes of everyone’s achievement.

The day culminates in a lavish awards ceremony celebrating all that have taken part including. We celebrate, not only the winners but also those that have pushed themselves above and beyond, as well as those who have had the most fun or been the most supportive.

Day 2

In partnership with our adventure team at RibRIde your team will be whisked off to Menai Bridge. It’ll be ‘All Aboard’ for an exhilarating boat journey accelerating to speeds in excess of 50mph. Sights to see along the way include a unique view of Beaumaris Castle and the town’s brightly coloured seafront houses.

Heading out of the Straights, you will take in the sights of an old seaplane factory and mine workings. Heading out into the open sea you will pass old shipwrecks on approach to Puffin Island, or as it’s called in welsh Ynys Seiriol. The island is named after Saint Seiriol who founded a monastery opposite the island at Penmon Point. This uninhabited Island is home to the largest nesting cormorant population in the UK and, of course, the famous Puffins (seasonal visitors). You will have a chance to watch the wildlife, see the massive colony of seals and experience a bird-spotting bonanza.

Once back on dry land, the adventure continues and culminates with a trip to Zip World. Here you will take part in a truly unique and exhilarating experience, on the fastest zip line in the world. You will soar over Penrhyn Quarry where you could travel at speeds of over 100mph while you take in the breath-taking views and feel the freedom of flight.

Example 3

Who knows our event courses better than the Always Aim High Events team?! If you have always wanted to do one of our events, why not book a guided tour and take on the challenge as part of a small group of friends or colleagues. Wether its the iconic Snowdonia Trail Marathon or the gruelling Snowman Triathlon we can lead your group around the same course that takes place on events day.

Follow in the footsteps of the thousands of others who have taken on our events or make it a unique experience by picking and choosing the distances that work best for your group. As well as guiding you through the course route our highly experienced team will be able to provide you information about the amazing locations is which our events take place, many of which are steeped in welsh heritage.