
Info for locals

Always Aim High Events is an independent Welsh company created to showcase the beautiful surroundings of our home country to athletes from across the globe. We work closely with the communities that live in the places our events are hosted to minimise any disruption and maximise opportunities for local businesses to benefit.

We work with local authorities and safety advisory groups and have all of our events permitted by the relevant National Governing Bodies; this ensures that they meet the highest standards of safety and are professionally run with minimum impact on the local area.

As members of the Snowdonia Society, we actively volunteer to maintain environmental standards as well as being part of and supporting local community groups and charities through donations, made possible by our event entry fees. We respect our culture and language, all of our event signage and website are available in Welsh. Our products and services are all locally sourced.

The information below provides specific information for local people on how this event will run.

Timings for the Eirias Triathlon weekend

It usually takes one day to set up the event which will be spread between the Leisure Centre Car Park & the CSM Stadiwm.

The Eirias Triathlon usually begins at 07:00 on the Sunday with athletes starting to arrive at the event village from 06:00. The race is expected to end around 13:30.

All start times are changeable and will be detailed in the Final Instructions on the website, available 10 days prior to the race.

Road closures

In order to minimise disruption and to ensure competitors and spectators the best and safest experience, we will be requesting permission to temporarily close roads and implement traffic management as detailed below:


  • The Promenade, Colwyn Bay. From the junction of West Promenade with Cayley Promenade, to the junction of the Promenade with Beach Road/Cliff Gardens. The closure will be in place from 06:30-12:00

We will be conducting a letter drop to all affected residents six weeks prior to the event date. A copy of that letter will then also be available here.


Parking will be located in the Stadium Car Park. Please use Post Code for your Sat Nav: LL29 8HH. The stadium can be accessed via junction 22 of the A55.


Spectators are welcome at our events, to cheer on everyone taking part! We pride ourselves on an exciting and positive atmosphere at all of our events, and we would love you to come along to add to the warm Welsh welcome that our local communities offer.

The best places to spectate are

  • The swimming pool cafe has a pool viewing area
  • For the finish, head to the Stadium.

You can also spectate along the cycle route on the promenade - the encouragement is hugely valued by our athletes.

Getting Involved

We are always on the lookout for people to join our awesome team of Marshals and Volunteers and it is a great way to raise funds for your local community group or charity. If you are a local business and have offers over the event weekend please contact us so we can include you in our communications with our athletes. There are also opportunities for stands in our Event Village.

Signage and Litter

Always Aim High Events have always had a zero-tolerance to litter policy; any athlete found to have intentionally littered will be disqualified and could face a lifetime ban from our events. All our signage is removed immediately after the event and we conduct a full litter pick as stated in our environmental policy. We will respond to any reports of left signage or litter immediately so in the unlikely event of this please contact us.

Event Partners